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3 Healthy Snack Ideas

OK lets face it, sandwiches are a part of life . We live a very active lifestyle, so they tend to get hungry during the day, especially between meals . Whether you are at work or at home, you can not escape those delicious hollow . But snacks should not always be considered unhealthy , in fact, there are many options when it comes to ideas for healthy snacks.

An apple with peanut butter , for example, is an excellent choice for a healthy snack . Apples are rich in fiber, and peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and unsaturated fats. It also provides a small amount of potassium , magnesium and vitamin E. Simply cut an apple in equal installments spread over a little peanut butter and enjoy. Even if you 're not a big fan of apples, both handsets offer a whole new flavor.

Another good example of a healthy snack is a mix between the two . Trail mix offers a wide range of dry fruits , nuts , seeds , oats , and even the occasional chocolate. Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats ( monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ), and are also an ideal way to add a little protein to your diet. Fruits offer a variety of vitamins, minerals and natural sugars. Oatmeal is a good way to stay healthy for the heart , as they are known to protect the body against heart disease, and even offer some fiber.

When it comes to ideas for healthy snacks , smoothies are one of those who always seem to top the charts. The choice is entirely yours Smoothie Green Smoothie ( vegetable ) or fruit smoothies , but when it comes to proving nothing can compare to a fruit smoothie . Variety of fruit will do not need to be an old fashioned strawberry and banana smoothie. Be creative. Mix and match different fruits not only changes the flavor of the smoothie, but also exposes your body to a broader range of vitamins and minerals.

Eating healthy does not have to be a lot of work , but sometimes convenience wins when it comes to bad eating habits, there are options . A trick that always helps is to take a little time at the beginning of the week to prepare fruits and vegetables for easy access . This will help you succeed more unhealthy convenience foods to eat healthy.

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