1 . This is not a weight loss program ... - Its about the fat loss for better shape, personal health and self-love . Chances are if you're Googling weight loss , you're just a little frustrated with the status quo.
2 . Skip the fad diets , weight loss foods , lose weight fast programs , exercise gadgets , supplements, weight loss , focus on redesigning your life and find true love in you. This is not a " diet " is a life project .
3 . It is not going to the gym X number of times per week. It is physical activity , exercise and training ... what you like and what we can fit your schedule . If you think " No time " is due to the lack of exercise, no offense , but you do not know what the year is .
4 . Wear a pedometer ... the easiest way to increase your health ... truth serum activity
5 . Set goals and incentives DEEP measures. No " I need to lose weight for the wedding ." Real deep , objectives that require serious self-discovery, intrusive.
We " find ourselves " not in life ... we create ourselves ... create , develop, create hone ...
6 . Always think about your children, your family ... it's focus !
7 . We are # 1 role model and mentor for our children - for better or for worse.
8 . If you feel you tortured or private ... further research
9 . Make sure your gastrointestinal health is optimized ... not skipping supplements ! Belly fat is very complex !
10 . This is not just about the scale ... wear loose clothing , use a tape measure
11 . Blood tests : I happen to believe that the most significant of all encouraging reward get a blood test now, and after 6 months of your "love of your life " program - retest . Wowww !
12 . Journal - auto diarize ... it is not just food and exercise ... do not forget Bravo column !
13 . It really is the hardest part : Analyze your eating habits , habits , timing , triggers , food choices ... not easy to open with ourselves process
14 . Comfort foods are a must and makes reality - Let those who comfort your mood and comfort of your health
15 . Analyze friendships ... the best way to show love for each other is contributing to their health ... they seek to contribute to your health or a partner in crime ?
16 . Alcohol ... empty calories that contribute nothing positive for your health or nutrition, cause the body to store fat , and we are driving while intoxicated , intoxication and drunk food !
17 . He must ... real, realistic , you ... it is not trying to be a Hollywood icon . Celebrate you
18 . Look at your program you love your fat loss , anti -aging, beauty secrets, opportunity to brain development. Welcome challenges as an opportunity to win !
19 . Learn to identify and be fully aware of the changes and physiological benefits : energy, concentration , mood , self pride ...
20 . Hiring a health coach , are not strictly a personal trainer. A health coach is well seasoned collectively address the risks to your health. By adopting an integrated approach to a level of health and fitness , you 'll feel more power and reap the benefits of strong physiological rewards to keep you faithful and in love. Divide and conquer your internal saboteurs , allowing your healthier, happier you to rise to power!
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